Whether you’re waiting in line at the mall or just simply need a good laugh (and after the year we’ve had, who doesn’t?) any of these funny Christmas memes will have you chuckling and filled with happiness that will leave you merry and bright all day long. Don’t forget to share your favorite ones on social media to make sure everyone gets a giggle at Santa’s expense! Here are the best Merry Christmas 2022 memes.

25 Christmas Memes for 2022

  1. When Your Cat Acts More Like the Grinch Everyday Why can’t they just leave the Christmas decorations alone?
  2. Moms Are Christmas Magic Mom (n): The true Santa Clauses.
  3. It’s Been A Stressful Year Go ahead, listen to Jingle Bells to all your heart’s content. Time is merely a concept.
  4. Fa-La-Rawr Dinosaurs make everything better.
  5. Santa Claws Seriously. What is with cats and Christmas trees?
  6. The Anticipation!  Their reaction is everything!
  7. Four For You, Glen Coco! And none for Gretchen Weiners, bye.
  8. 2022 Was Really Hard  We all deserve to be Christmas potatoes this year.
  9. Jingle Bell Rock That’s one rock we wouldn’t mind finding in our stocking!
  10. When Halloween Is Life BRB, watching The Nightmare Before Christmas for the millionth time.
  11. A New Bedtime Christmas Story   Merry Chrizzle!
  12. There Can’t Be Two of the Same! Just like snowflakes!
  13. We All Know the Struggle…  “Dear Santa, for Christmas this year I’d like a winning lottery ticket.”
  14. If You Know, You Know  Christmas food is just too good!
  15. True Story Finals are a regular Scrooge.
  16. Be The Best You Can Be Anyone who says otherwise is on the naughty list.
  17. Avoid Another Target Run We need more creative problem-solving like this one!
  18. The Best Part of Christmas Pumpkin pie, ham, mashed potatoes… Can you say, “more please?”!
  19. Judgy Santa Literally everyone’s dream job.
  20. “Merry Christmas, Ya Filthy Animal!” Don’t let those big adorable eyes fool you!
  21. A Nightmare Before Christmas Truly a terrifying sight to behold on Christmas morning!
  22. We Can’t Unsee It “Make it Snow.”- Captain Picard
  23. Sleigh Bells Ring, Are You Listening?  More Sleigh Bell!
  24. Immediate reaction on Nov. 1 But we honestly love it. Check out: —The Best Christmas Instagram Captions—Funny Christmas Jokes —Hilarious Christmas Puns