A few decades later, many of us are saying the same thing to our kids in hopes that they’ll stop with the carrot protests, or munching on them ourselves in an effort to keep our vision somewhere near 20/20 and stave off cataracts in the future. But that begs the question: Are carrots actually good for your eyes? Or is that a myth? Parade.com talked with two optometrist to find out. Here’s what to keep in mind the next time you’re in the veggie aisle at the grocery store.

Are carrots good for your eyes?

First things first: Carrots aren’t bad for your eyes. But the idea that they’re the top food you should be consuming in the name of your eye health is a myth. “The carrots-for-your-eyes thing actually stemmed from World War II propaganda that was distributed,” explains Dr. Selina R. McGee, OD, FAAO, an Oklahoma-based dermatologist. “Vitamin A is good for your eyes, and in carrots, it’s in the form of beta-carotene.” Here’s the thing, though: While carrots do have benefits for your eyes, leafy greens are even better for them. A diet that is rich in fresh vegetables correlates with optimal eye health. “While carrots certainly have benefits, even more critical are leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and collards,” says Dr. Joseph J. Pizzimenti, OD, FAAO, a full-time faculty member of the Rosenberg School of Optometry at the University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, Texas. “This is because of their high content of zeaxanthin and lutein. These carotenoids protect the retina from toxic damage.” Dr. Pizzimenti recommends at least four servings of leafy greens per week for optimal eye health. “In addition, other brightly colored fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, and yes, carrots, are beneficial,” he says.

How to get more vitamin A (outside of vegetables)

If you’re having trouble squeezing in all the required veggies to keep your vitamin A levels (and eye health) optimal, Dr. Pizzimenti recommends the following vitamin A-rich foods:

Cod liver oilEggsFortified breakfast cerealsFortified skim milk

Supplements are always an option, too. “Supplements are not a substitute for a healthy diet,” emphasizes Dr. Pizzimenti. “However, they may be used to fill in dietary gaps. For overall ocular wellness, I prescribe EyePromise Restore.” While vitamin A is safe if you keep you intake until 10,000 units (3,000 mcg) daily,  some research suggests that higher doses might increase the risk of osteoporosis and hip fracture. “This is particularly true in older people,” says Dr. Pizzimenti. “Adults who eat low-fat dairy products which are fortified with vitamin A and a lot of fruits and vegetables usually do not need vitamin A supplements or multivitamins that contain vitamin A.”

The other nutrients that play a role in eye health

Yes, vitamin A is important—but it’s not the only nutrient you need in your diet if you want to take good care of your eyes, according to Dr. McGee.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin

Many studies show that lutein and zeaxanthin reduce the risk of chronic eye diseases, Dr. Mcgee explains. “People who got the most lutein and zeaxanthin had a much lower risk for developing new cataracts. Dark green leafy vegetables are the primary source of lutein and zeaxanthin, as well as other colorful fruits and vegetables like broccoli, corn, peas, persimmons and tangerines.”

Vitamin C

“Scientific evidence suggests vitamin C lowers the risk of developing cataracts and when taken in combination with other essential nutrients, it can slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration and visual acuity loss,” says Dr. McGee. “For your daily dose, try incorporating oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, papaya, green peppers and tomatoes into your diet.”

Vitamin E

According to Dr. McGee, vitamin E protects cells in the eyes from unstable molecules called free radicals, which break down healthy tissue. “Good food sources of Vitamin E include vegetable oils (including safflower and corn oil), nuts, wheat germ and sweet potatoes,” she says.

Essential fatty acids

“Omega-3 fatty acids are important for proper visual development and retinal function,” says Dr. McGee. “Studies in pre-term and full-term infants suggest that getting enough omega-3 fatty acids in the diet is essential for optimal visual development. Salmon, tuna, and other cold-water fish are the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids and can help reduce inflammation, enhance tear production, and support the eye’s oily outer layer.”


Finally, zinc plays a vital role in bringing vitamin A from the liver to the retina in order to produce melanin, a protective pigment in the eyes. “Impaired vision, such as poor night vision and cloudy cataracts, has been linked to zinc deficiency,” says Dr. McGee. “For natural dietary sources of zinc, try red meat, oysters and other shellfish, and nuts and seeds.” Next up, here are 7 foods you should eat to keep your eyes healthy.


Dr. Selina R. McGee, OD, FAAO, an Oklahoma-based dermatologist and REFRESH DIGITAL brand partner.Dr. Joseph J. Pizzimenti, OD, FAAO, a full-time faculty member of the Rosenberg School of Optometry at the University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, Texas Are Carrots Good for Your Eyes  - 32