Let’s face it: In this day and age, unplugging is easier said than done. But disconnecting from technology is important for our mental and physical health (hello, eye strain!) For many of us who sit in front of computer screens all day, our downtime consists of checking our phones or watching TV. So, essentially we aren’t getting a break from screen time … at all. The solution? Health experts recommend trying a “tech fast.”Here’s everything you need to know about it.

What is a tech fast? 

A tech fast is a break from devices for a designated period of time. Typically, such fasts are associated with social media, but can be extended to more traditional methods of electronics such as television, podcasts, and radio news programs. “The idea behind a tech fast is that you are removing yourself from outside influences and turning inward,” says Dr. Natalie Bernstein, licensed psychologist. “During this time you’re putting the world on pause while you are spending more time with yourself or your loved ones by reading, having conversations, or even playing board games. Many people use tech fasts as a way to connect with nature. Interacting with nature has been proven to reduce blood pressure, stress levels, and increase a sense of peace, something that we do not achieve with regular tech usage.”   So, how can you get started? Some people actually may choose to do a tech fast on an intermittent fasting schedule. “This means you choose a time in the evening when you will no longer use your devices until a designated time in the morning,” Samantha Gambino, PsyD, licensed clinical psychologist and wellness expert, explains. “One can do this by making a schedule for themselves, such as not using technology between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m.,” Another way to do a tech fast that may feel more flexible is to say, “I am doing a 12-hour fast.” This gives you a little more flexibility if you need to use technology for work or another critical issue. Logistically, you can disable the notifications on your phone, Dr. Gambino adds. You can also remove the most tempting apps. Sometimes it is also helpful to keep your device out of sight to separate from your phone fully.

Why a tech fast is a good idea

Without technology, we have to be more mindful about what we are experiencing, good or bad.  “It’s difficult to hide from our emotions when we aren’t distracting ourselves with other activities,” Dr. Bernstein explains. “If we are in a relationship, a tech fast can highlight potential issues with communication or even compatibility and that can be overwhelming.” It’s much easier to avoid stressful situations and difficult conversations when we are distracted or immersed with tech. A “tech fast” can also give you a sense of control. “A fast will give you more control over your use of technology,” Dr. Gambino states." Many people are addicted to their phones like a moth to a flame and cannot set boundaries for themselves around their usage. A fast will reinforce that you can be in control of your usage." Another benefit of limiting your screen time is lowering anxiety and depression: A break from technology can lessen your anxiety which often happens after extended periods of tech time. It will also make you feel less down on yourself and your life, as many people compare themselves to others on social media, Dr. Gambino explains. It can also improve your sleep. “Less exposure to artificial blue light will improve your sleep schedule and the quality of your sleep,” says Dr. Gambino. “You will also not be on your phone right up until bedtime, which can negatively influence your thoughts and feelings and make it hard to fall asleep.” Reducing your technology use can improve your focus as well. “When you are not distracted and checking your phone all of the time, you can focus your attention in a more concentrated way,” Dr. Gambino states.

Withdrawal symptoms to be aware of 

The constant swiping and stimulation from the outside world create distance and a reduction of awareness for how we are doing.  “Tech fasts introduce the idea of checking in with ourselves, provide an opportunity to reflect upon our current lives, and allow us to take notice of what is and is not working,” Dr. Bernstein states. It’s much easier to engage in numbing activities like binging Netflix or diving into TikTok so a tech fast isn’t always easy.  “Your brain is so used to having stimulation and processing information that when you slow it down, you may feel some anxiety or even tension. Stick with it,” says Dr. Bernstein. People are often surprised about the amount of energy it takes to not automatically turn on technology throughout the day.  “It takes a high level of awareness to notice behaviors like reaching for your phone or the remote and then intentionally not following through with these actions,” says Heidi McBain, LMFT, LPC, PMH-C. “It can be helpful to hide these temptations away before starting your ‘tech fast.’ You may also feel like you’re missing out on what’s going on in the world without the news or with family and friends if you’re not on social media.”

How a tech fast can help with anxiety and depression

Tech fasts can help improve mental health because you’re giving yourself a rest. While we don’t tend to think of technology as a physical activity that requires a break, it’s the mental break that can reduce anxiety/depression.  “When you engage in technology usage, especially for an extended period of time, your brain becomes used to a state of hyperarousal at all times,” Dr. Bernstein explains. “It then becomes more difficult for you to self-regulate or even relax at night naturally.” In addition, staying off of social media reduces the inclination to engage in social comparison which is less damaging to self-esteem.  “If you are going to participate in a tech fast, take it slow. If you are a regular to heavy tech user, perhaps start with a one-hour fast before bedtime,” Dr. Bernstein states. “Once that feels manageable, try extending your time or adding another day on the weekend. Don’t try to do too much too soon.” Tech fasts allow you to be more present in your own life but in the lives of those around you as well. You will be able to connect with family and friends on a deeper level because you will be more focused and in the moment with them, rather than distracted or affected by something you heard/watched on the news or social media, Dr. Bernstein adds. It can also help you have more awareness around how you may use tech to numb hard feelings. Whether it’s depression or “crowdsourcing” online when anxiety is high and you’re looking for answers, taking a break from technology can help you be more grounded and mindful, find things that will be more helpful to your healing and create more space for self-care exercises like exercise, journaling, meditation, McBain explains. Next, read how to get your family to put their phones down, according to Tiffani Thiessen.


Dr. Natalie Bernstein, licensed psychologistSamantha Gambino, Psy.D., licensed clinical psychologist and wellness expertHeidi McBain, LMFT, LPC, PMH-C Everything You Need to Know About  Tech Fasts   - 51