New research from the American Psychological Association shows simple decision-making has become significantly more challenging since COVID-19 began. In fact, nearly one-third of adults (32%) surveyed said that stress associated with COVID-19 hampers even the most basic decisions, including what to eat or what clothes to wear.

Why Stress Halts Decision-Making

The global pandemic has sparked a daily sense of uncertainty. This complicates daily choices that traditionally seemed simple, like meeting up with friends, or stopping by the grocery store. Not to mention the constant fluctuation of transmission, vaccination, and hospitalization rates—which can make activities on any given day feel more or less safe than they did the day before. According to Dr. Teralyn Sell, psychotherapist and brain health expert, difficulty with decision making is a direct result of stress. “When we are under stressful situations, our decision-making can become compromised. Think of being chased by a bear: Adrenaline will kick in and shut off our prefrontal cortex (thinking brain),” she explains. That surge of adrenaline allows a person to respond to stress instantly, so they can reach safety without the interference of thoughts.

Chronic Adrenaline Rush

While helpful in an evolutionary context, this natural physiological response can go into overdrive when we’re faced with a persistent stressor, like the COVID-19 pandemic. “Chronic stress eventually causes a burned-out effect, which makes us shut down emotionally, numb out and, basically, hibernate our decision-making skills. When this happens, we have indecision or no decision at all,” Sell added.  Decision fatigue hasn’t impacted everyone equally. One of the most affected groups is parents of children under 18, who’ve had to face not only changes to their work schedule, but also shifts in school and childcare responsibilities. 79% of parents reported that they could’ve used more emotional support in the past year, and 70% said that family duties were a top stressor.

Big Changes Everywhere

Another reason for the rise in decision-making difficulty is that many of us have made significant life changes since the pandemic began. Of all parents surveyed, 62% said they’ve recently made a choice that significantly altered their lives.  With massive shifts in how we approach work and life, the COVID-19 pandemic has introduced new perspectives and priorities, prompting a deeper look into what really matters, says Ce Anderson, Licensed Therapist, Trauma Expert and author. “Future choices like employment, retirement, college, plans for family/children, and even mortality have been examined in a way that many have never done before 2020,” she pointed out.  Making big life choices can be emotionally draining, and they might deplete any gusto we’d normally reserve for daily decision-making.

Tips for Easier Decision-Making

COVID-19 stress may be here to stay, but addressing the overwhelm that inhibits decision-making can help you stay grounded in your needs and manage your overall stress levels. Follow these tips to make choices of any weight with confidence and clarity. 

1. What Can You Control?

Combating the stress associated with pandemic uncertainty starts by honing in on what you do have control over. Anderson suggests asking yourself the following question: What responses, possibilities, or outcomes do I have direct control over?  This can help you get clear on where you can make an impact, even when the world seems completely beyond your control. It’s a simple practice, but can reduce some of the overwhelm associated with COVID-19 and help put you back in the driver’s seat. Then, think about what the outcome of each choice will be—and what will be the most important in one year from now. Thinking ahead into the future can help you get unstuck from a paralyzing moment of uncertainty.

2. Time vs. Money

Either time or money plays a role in every decision we make. Anderson said it’s important to weigh the potential impacts of these factors. “Of course, we can always make more money, but time is different. For example, if an additional hour of pay per month will allow for a landscaper and save six hours spent with loved ones, on a hobby, or self-care, the currency of time may be more valuable than the money spent,” she explained.

3. Clarify Intended Outcomes

Getting clear on your future might seem obvious, but overwhelm can quickly muddy your goal-setting skills. Anderson stresses the importance of getting clear on the outcome you want from the decision at hand. In other words, try to envision what reality you’d like to create for yourself. Then, consider which decision will contribute toward that goal. “This allows you to become clear on what you truly desire,” Anderson says. 

4. Separate Fact From Feeling

Emotions are inextricable from decision-making. But when you’re working through the small, everyday choices, feelings have a way of overcomplicating things that could otherwise be simple to solve. That’s why it’s a good idea to think about facts and concrete evidence, rather than feelings, Anderson added. “Attempt to examine options without emotional interference; in other words, don’t allow what or how you feel to influence the decision.”  This can allow you to prioritize what is more important for helping you reach your long-term goals.

5. Dial Down the Nervous System

Creating space for calm and relaxation each day can defuse the flight-or-fight response that halts our decision-making skills. In other words, we have to send signals to our brain that we’re no longer being chased. “Deep breathing and slow exhale for five to seven minutes will send signals to our brain that no threat is present,” Dr. Sell said. However, she added that it’s important to practice this even when you aren’t feeling stressed, so that you can draw upon the practice when needed. “An easy tip is to breathe first, decide second.”

6. Prioritize Essentials (Including Self-Care)

No matter how big or small, prioritizing your decisions can make them much easier to manage. Dr. Sell suggests creating a list of priority categories. This might include work, kids, appointments, and social life. Then, separate the non-negotiables and other tasks with deadlines from the things that don’t matter as much. “Doing this will allow you to think through your priorities in a less stressful, chaotic manner so actually following through will be easier,” Dr. Sell points out. Just make sure to create time for self-care, too, she stresses. “Ultimately, though, prioritizing your own self-care as a non-negotiable will assist you in feeling less overwhelmed.”  Next: How the Pandemic Has Affected our Mental Health


American Psychological Association: Stress and Decision-Making During the PandemicCe Anderson, M.S., L.P.C, Licensed Therapist, Trauma Expert and AuthorDr. Teralyn Sell,  PhD, LPC, CSAC, Psychotherapist and brain health expert Pandemic Has Made Decision Making More Stressful Than Ever  According to Research - 10