Viewers first met Ahsoka in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, then in Star Wars: Rebels, which Dawson said she binged in preparation to play the fan-favorite character. “There was so much material to work from. I think that was definitely a huge benefit for me,” she gushed. “I was marathoning the show from beginning to the end, putting in the movies. It was really fun to see how Ahsoka’s physicality changed, and her facial expressions changed, and her voice and her tenor changed as she just evolved.” Get to know the character of Ahsoka Tano as well as everything to know about Ahsoka series, but be warned: There may be some serious spoilers for various Star Wars movies and TV shows ahead if you’re not caught up!
Is Ahsoka a limited series?
Ahsoka will be a limited series, though the exact number of episodes hasn’t yet been revealed.
Will Ahsoka be live-action?
Star Wars: Ahsoka will be a live-action series on Disney+ in the same vein as the beloved series The Mandalorian.
When is the Ahsoka series release date?
Star Wars: Ahsoka doesn’t have a definite release date announced just yet, but we can estimate for now: The Book of Boba Fett drops this December, and Obi Wan Kenobi and Andor series are expected to be released in 2022, so we can likely expect Star Wars: Ahsoka to be released sometime in 2023. Ewan McGregorrevealed to Vanity Fairthat Ahsoka was “about to start” filming in an interview released on May 17, 2022.
What is the Ahsoka series plot?
According to one alleged plot leak, Star Wars: Ahsoka will follow Ahsoka “on the hunt for the evil Grand Admiral Thrawn in the hope it will help her locate the missing Ezra Bridger, the young Jedi that disappeared with Thrawn many years ago.” It will take place in the same timeline as The Mandalorian.
Who is in the Ahsoka series cast?
Rosario Dawsonstars as the titular Ahsoka in Star Wars: Ahsoka live-action series. In Star Wars: Rebels and Star Wars: The Clone Wars series, Ashley Eckstein voiced the beloved character. “Ashley did such an incredible job and I know how the fans feel about her, and I know how she feels about this character and how much she’s given to it,” Dawson told “And I know that it’s such a different feeling and space to bring this character that people have loved for so many years into live-action. I really, really, really wanted it to be something that people could enjoy and get into as another Ahsoka story.” In playing Ahsoka for the first time in The Mandalorian, Dawson went all-in in terms of capturing the character’s unique and distinct appearance—right down to her electric blue eyes. “There was one point, actually, where Dave [Filoni] was curious whether I should wear the contacts or not. I had tried them on so I knew what a difference it made,” she said. “Also, in talking about the fans, I was like, ‘You can’t do this to me. I can’t not have blue eyes. That will just not be okay.’ And it really made all the difference. Because, you know, you have the whole headpiece, and the costume, and the whole world because we’re there on this set—it’s incredible, with these huge screens, you feel all of it there. You’ve got lightsabers. But the contacts would go in and it just dropped you into this character. I wasn’t Rosario playing dress-up cosplay. I was Ahsoka.” Other confirmed cast member as of this writing are Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Natasha Liu Bordizzo as fan favorite character Sabine Wren, Ivanna Sakhno as a brand new character created just for the series and Mary Elizabeth Winstead as an unnamed character (which Ewan McGregorrevealed in an interview with Vanity Fair). Fans have clamored for at least one another actor to appear in the series: Live-action Aladdin star Mena Massoud as Ezra Bridger. When asked about the rumors, he told Screen Rant he was “just manifesting, just manifesting, trying different things. There’s not much more I can say about that, but, you know, I had heard murmurings that this role was coming up and this is becoming a real thing. So I just kinda wanted to throw my name in the ring and—yeah, just part of manifesting what you want.”
What is on Ahsoka’s head?
Ahsoka is of the Torgruta alien species from the planet Shili. She has blue and white head tails called “lekku,” and at the tops of each, she has pointed horns called “montrals.” Though it looks like she’s wearing a headpiece, the lekku and montrals are actually part of Ahsoka’s body, with the montrals specifically being used to sense movement.
Why are Ahsoka’s montrals short in The Mandalorian?
In the live-action series The Mandalorian, Ahsoka’s montrals are shorter than in the animated series for practical reasons: It’s much easier to perform stunts and shoot action scenes with shorter montrals than with larger ones.
How old is Ahsoka?
Born in the year 36 BBY in the Star Wars universe, Ahsoka is about 14 years old in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which was her first appearance. In Star Wars: Ahsoka and The Mandalorian, it’s estimated that Ahsoka is about 45 years old.
Was Ahsoka Anakin’s apprentice?
Yes she was! Anakin mentored Ahsoka, as she was his Padawan. Their relationship started out rocky, but they grew to have a strong, sibling-like bond. He felt guilty after Ahsoka abandoned the Jedi Order, and Ahsoka was heartbroken and distraught to learn he became Darth Vader. He later would hunt her in an effort to find and wipe out all other surviving Jedi, and they would duel one final time, with Ahsoka learning of his identity once and for all—and it’s unclear (so far) if she ever learns that Vader would eventually find redemption.
Why does Ahsoka have two lightsabers?
Ahsoka first had one standard lightsaber, but built a second one and received dual-wielding combat training from none other than Yoda himself.
Who killed Ahsoka Tano?
So far, no one! She’s alive in the Star Wars canon. That said, several have tried, including Anakin Skywalker and Darth Maul. Ahsoka faked her own death to keep the Empire at bay after Order 66 commanded that clones kill their Jedi generals.
Will Anakin be in the Ahsoka series?
He’s back! In fall 2021, The Hollywood Reporter revealed that Christensen would reprise his role of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader in Star Wars: Ahsoka, as well as his appearance in the previously announced Disney+ series Obi-Wan Kenobi. Because Ahsoka’s timeline takes place five years after Darth Vader’s death, it’s possible that Christensen’s appearance in the series will be in the form flashbacks or as a Force Ghost. In a since-deleted Instagram post, Dawson celebrated his return, writing, “Skyguy… They know!!! See you soon, Snips.” “Skyguy’ was Ahsoka’s nickname for Anakin, and “Snips” was his nickname for her. The series will be not just a reunion for Ahsoka and Anakin, but also for Christensen and Dawson, who first met studying at the Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute, then worked together in Shattered Glass. “I always just thought it was really cool that I knew someone who was not just in Star Wars but played Anakin Skywalker,” Dawson gushed of Christensen to Vanity Fair. “Ahsoka was his Padawan, so when the fan-casting came out, I just thought it was pretty wild that I visually connected to this character from being this teenager who met this actor who ended up being this great character. I don’t know, it just felt like the Force was at play.”
Is there an Ahsoka series trailer?
There isn’t yet a trailer for the Star Wars: Ahsoka series, but watch this space! So far, all we have is this title art.
How can I watch the Ahsoka series?
Star Wars: Ahsoka will stream exclusively on Disney+.
Will Sabine be in the Ahsoka series?
It’s rumored that Sabine Wren will be in the Ahsoka series, but not official announcement nor casting have been announced for the character. Sabine is a rebel fighter who is revealed to be searching for Ezra Bridger with Ahsoka at the conclusion of the series Star Wars Rebels. Next, find out how to watch the StarWars movies in chronological order.