Hospital on the Hill, written by Chris Connaughton and illustrated by Fay Troote, is part of a government initiative and is aimed at children of health workers who died in the pandemic. It is being given to kids on March 23, Britain’s National Day of Reflection, which marks one year since lockdown began. For the foreword, the Duke of Sussex draws on his experience of losing Princess Diana following a car crash when he was 12. He writes, “When I was a young boy I lost my mum. At the time I didn’t want to believe it or accept it, and it left a huge hole inside of me. “I know how you feel, and I want to assure you that over time that hole will be filled with so much love and support. We all cope with loss in a different way, but when a parent goes to heaven, I was told their spirit, their love and the memories of them do not. “They are always with you and you can hold onto them forever. I find this to be true.” He continues, “I hope this book helps remind you of just how special your parent or loved one was. And how special you are too.” He adds, “Now, I never met them, but I know this person was special to you, and they were someone incredibly kind, caring and loving because of where they chose to work. Helping others is one of the most important jobs anyone can ever do. “You may feel alone, you may feel sad, you may feel angry, you may feel bad. This feeling will pass. And I will make a promise to you—you will feel better and stronger once you are ready to talk about how it makes you feel.” To mark the National Day of Reflection, Prince WilliamandDuchess Katevisited their wedding venue of Westminster Abbey, which is the site of a pop-up vaccination center, to lay flowers and light a candle in remembrance of the 126,000 people in Britain who lost their lives to COVID. Next up, Prince Harry has finally spoken to his father and brother, but their conversations were “not productive”.