If you notice that your feet are peeling, it’s usually nothing to worry about. Peeling feet can occur for a variety of reasons, and it’s usually treatable. The outer layer of the skin, called the epidermis, regenerates every 30 to 60 days to maintain a healthy protective barrier. Usually, the process happens without noticeable peeling, explains Dr. Jason Rizzo, MD, PhD, a board-certified dermatologist and clinical assistant professor at the University at Buffalo.  “Various factors, both external (environmental) or internal (inflammatory), can disrupt the skin’s normal regenerative process and increase the rate of skin proliferation, or epidermal turnover, causing the skin to noticeably thicken and peel,” he says.  But it’s still a good idea to visit your dermatologist if your foot peeling is “rapid and abundant,” Rizzo says, as this can indicate a more severe underlying condition that needs to be addressed. Even if the skin peeling is minor, your doctor can also help identify what’s causing it and how best to treat it. 

7 reasons for skin peeling on feet

Here are a few possible reasons why the skin on your feet might be peeling:

1. Fungal infections

A common cause of peeling feet is a fungal infection, like athlete’s foot, says Dr. Shilpi Khetarpal, a dermatologist at Cleveland Clinic. Athlete’s foot is caused by a fungus that flourishes in moist, warm environments such as bathrooms and showers. Symptoms include a scaly, itchy rash on your feet that stings, burns, and may cause skin peeling.  Sweating also creates a warm, humid environment that allows yeast and fungus to grow and can trigger skin infections that also cause peeling, Dr. Khetarpal says, “It’s best to try and keep the feet dry and change damp socks frequently.”  Fungal infections are treated with prescription antifungal creams, she adds. Over-the-counter antifungal medications also help, and sprinkling your shoes with an antifungal foot powder will prevent future infections. 

2. Excessive sweating

When your feet are excessively sweaty, it could be a sign of hyperhidrosis, a condition where your sweat glands are overactive. Hyperhidrosis can cause your feet and other parts of your body to sweat more than usual, says Dr. Patrick McEneaney, MD, board-certified doctor of podiatric medicine and owner and CEO of Northern Illinois Foot & Ankle Specialists.  Excessive sweating, whether it’s because of hyperhidrosis or regular sweaty workouts, causes skin maceration, which is when the skin gets too wet. This can make your feet peel, says Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank, MD, a celebrity cosmetic dermatologist in New York City, author of The Pro-Aging Playbook, and creator of The Pro-Aging Podcast.  “Think of when you’re in the tub too long and you start getting little prune fingers when the skin gets overly hydrated,” McEneaney explains. “Then what happens is that the outer layer of the skin breaks down and can start to peel.”   Treatment depends on the cause, but can include botox or other medications, Frank says.

3. Psoriasis

Inflammatory skin conditions, such as psoriasis, can also cause peeling feet, Rizzo says. Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that causes thick, pink, or red patches with white or silvery scales to appear on the skin. Psoriasis often occurs on the feet, and the surface of the scaly skin can shed. Khetarpal says psoriasis is treated with prescription topical steroids. Home remedies, diet, moisturizers, medicated lotions, light therapy and retinoids are also used to treat psoriasis. 

4. Eczema

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a common skin condition that damages the skin barrier function, making your skin dry, red, itchy, and bumpy. Eczema also makes your skin more sensitive and prone to infections.  While eczema can appear anywhere on your body, it’s typically found on the feet, ankles, hands, and neck. With eczema, the skin becomes scaly, crusty and peels. Hydration, moisturizers, mild soaps, and steroid creams, like cortisone, can help treat eczema. Prescription medications may also be needed.

5. Sunburns

When you’re slathering on sunscreen, it’s easy to forget your feet. But they can get sunburned, too, and sunburns are known to peel. Overexposure to the sun’s ultraviolet light can create a toxic reaction, which is a sunburn, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation.  Severe sunburns cause the skin to become bright red, swell and blister. And, after a few days, it may start to peel. Moisturizing sunburns with aloe vera or soy-based products soothes the skin and taking cold showers and over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen help with the pain. 

6. Dry or dehydrated skin

Keeping yourself hydrated is good for your whole body, including your skin. Dehydration can make you feel tired, weak, and disoriented. It can also dry out your skin, making it scaly or cracked. Drinking plenty of water, about eight glasses a day, will prevent dehydration and improve your skin.  Dry skin occurs when your skin doesn’t have enough moisture, usually because of decreased fat and collagen—which boosts skin elasticity—or oil glands drying up. When your skin is dry, it can feel rough and develop patches that flake, itch, or look scaly, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Keeping the skin moisturized will help you avoid dryness, but you may need a dermatologist to prescribe topical steroids for excessively dry skin. 

7. Wearing ill-fitting shoes

We all have a pair of cute shoes that rub blisters and are just uncomfortable. They could actually be causing your feet to peel, too.  Wearing shoes that don’t fit well can cause chaffing and lead to dry, dehydrated or irradiated feet, Frank says. Tight or ill-fitting shoes create friction on the skin, which triggers epidermal turnover, causing the skin to thicken and peel, Rizzo says.  It’s best to avoid shoes that are too tight and don’t fit well. If you must wear them, try wearing blister patches on the areas that rub or where blisters commonly pop up. 

Is it safe to use a foot peel on your peeling feet?

Foot peels are a popular self-care trend. But, they’re not always safe to use on peeling feet. These products may relieve skin peeling, but don’t treat the underlying cause, Rizzo says. It’s best to see your doctor to find out what exactly is causing the skin on your feet to peel and how it should be treated.  “It depends on the cause of the peeling and what your goal is,” Frank says. “Peels work best for dry thickened skin.” Foot peels contain different types of acids, such as salicylic acid and lactic acid, which could damage the skin and worsen the peeling, McEneaney says. If your foot peeling becomes chronic or deeper layers of the skin start peeling, it’s a good idea to visit your doctor.  Next, celebrities tout the benefits of drinking a gallon of water a day, but here’s what the experts say.


Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank, MD, celebrity cosmetic dermatologist in New York City, author of The Pro-Aging Playbook, and creator of The Pro-Aging PodcastDr. Shilpi Khetarpal, dermatologist at Cleveland ClinicDr. Patrick McEneaney, MD, board-certified doctor of podiatric medicine, owner and CEO of Northern Illinois Foot & Ankle SpecialistsDr. Jason Rizzo, MD, PhD, board-certified dermatologist, clinical assistant professor at the University at BuffaloCleveland Clinic: “How to Avoid Athlete’s Foot and Staph Infections in the Locker Room"Cleveland Clinic: “Hyperhidrosis"Cleveland Clinic: “Psoriasis"Cleveland Clinic: “Eczema"Skin Cancer Foundation: “Why Does My Skin Peel When I Get Sunburned, and What Should I Do About It?“Cleveland Clinic: “Dehydration"Cleveland Clinic: “Dry Skin” Why Are Your Feet Peeling  Causes for Peeling Feet - 24