What once was an iconic household electronics brand —selling slightly overpriced cables and audio equipment that would now only confuse Gen Z’ers —has now become a crypto-company with a crude sense of humor and very NSFW social media presence.  Yes, you read that right. RadioShack doesn’t want to sell you earbuds or cellphones anymore — it wants you to buy crypto and trade it on its new platform: RadioShack Swap.  In recent weeks, Twitter users have picked up on the company’s decision to seemingly go rogue (and in turn, viral) online.  What some didn’t realize, was that this was all a part of a larger plan to re-market the company. The RadioShack we all once knew, is not the RadioShack that currently stands before us–the one tweeting expletives.  While some users responded with confusion and assumptions that RadioShack’s official Twitter account had been hacked, others did not take too kindly. One even calling the stunt a “scam.” And let’s just say, anyone who made their opinion known — good or bad — became fair game or “troll bait” for the account, further fueling the series of deranged tweets.  The online backlash isn’t the only result of the filterless rebrand for the company. As the online cryptocurrency watch tool, LiveCoinWatch, reports bullish conditions with surging traffic estimations for RadioShack Swap over the last 30-days, we can’t help but notice that these stats coincide with the approximate timing of when people started to take notice of the unhinged tweets.  So even if you’re not a fan of the outlandish persona the current social team is running with, it appears it be working.  Next, Top Tech Companies Where Gen Zers and Millennials Most Want to Work—And Why.

Why RadioShack s Twitter Account Is Now Posting NSFW Content - 60Why RadioShack s Twitter Account Is Now Posting NSFW Content - 27Why RadioShack s Twitter Account Is Now Posting NSFW Content - 21