Not sure what’s causing your belly button to smell? consulted experts to get to the bottom of why belly buttons sometimes smell. “In some cases, a doctor may need to intervene to diagnose the problem and provide a plan to help with healing,” Dr. Jay Woody, MD, FACEP, ABEM, chief medical officer of Intuitive Health and a co-founder of Legacy ER & Urgent Care, tells Parade. “This may include antibiotics, topical creams and draining or removing any buildup.” Keep reading for six medical reasons that can cause a foul odor coming from the belly button.

6 reasons why your belly button smells

1. A bacterial infection

One of the simplest reasons that could cause a belly button to smell is a bacterial infection. Just like any other part of your body, the belly button is susceptible to bacteria and therefore susceptible to developing an infection. “Because the skin is exposed to outside environments, it’s prone to accumulate microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. This is how Influenza or the common cold spreads—bacteria are transferred from one surface to the skin and enter through the nose, mouth or eyes,” explains Dr. Woody. “While bacteria can enter the body and cause infections, the same thing happens externally. Bacteria develop naturally and for the most part, it’s harmless.” In fact, the belly button is a prime destination for an infection to occur. “Because the belly button is an area with a lot of creasing and folds, bacteria can get trapped or grow due to moisture, such as water or sweat. Bacteria break down sweat and create waste with a strong odor,” Dr. Woody adds. “But whether there will be a smell depends on bacteria type, longevity, and density. A bacterial infection around the belly button may be mild to severe and redness, bumps, itchiness, or a smell may occur.” Luckily, a bacterial infection in the belly button is easy to rectify. It can usually be treated with topical medications. Dr. Woody adds that you should also keep the area clean and dry as well.

2. A yeast infection

Most of the time when it comes to yeast infections, we tend to think of them as occurring in the vagina. But surprisingly, yeast infections can exist in other places, too, including the belly button. “Yeast infections like candidal intertrigo commonly affect folds in the skin such as in the belly button,” Dr. Bradley Katz, MD, PhD, professor and physician at the University of Utah Hospital and CEO of Axon Optics tells Parade. “It can cause red and scaly skin. Pus can form around the area which will emit an unpleasant odor.” Yeast isn’t usually a problem. After all, candida lives on our skin and is normal. What causes an issue, however, is when there’s an excess of it. “While it’s typically not a problem, it can multiply if exposed to warmth and moisture for an increased period of time,” Woody elaborates. “Because yeast is a fungus, the denser it becomes from multiplication, it will turn into a fungal infection. Like bacteria, it can live in the creases and folds of the skin and appear red and scaly. In some cases, blisters can form. If there is discharge, it may be discolored, bloody and smell.” Again, a yeast infection can also be treated with medication, and it is recommended that you keep the area clean and dry as to deter the yeast from growing. “Avoiding tight clothing can also be prevent the build-up of moisture from sweat,” Dr. Woody adds.

3. A bruise or wound

You may find it surprising that a bruise or wound that’s close to the belly button can also cause an odor. While they may seem like two unrelated medical issues, the belly button has many folds, which make it an ideal spot for bacteria. “Wounds of any kind can cause a problem if left untreated, especially around the belly button where the skin folds and creases,” Dr. Woody explains. “If there’s a cut, it may bleed or be exposed to bacteria already on the skin. Once bacteria enter the cut, it’s only a matter of time before infection will occur, turning the skin red and painful. In some cases, it may secrete pus, which can smell. Therefore, keeping the wound clean is imperative to fighting off an infection.” In order to prevent an odor from developing from a bruise or other wound, make sure to keep it clean. “Cleaning a superficial cut with soap and water and then drying the area will help,” Dr. Woody say. “However, if the cut is much deeper, a doctor may need to treat the area; this may include stitches.”

4. An epidermoid cyst

Epidermoid cysts are relatively common, with Medical News Todayreporting that at least 20 percent of adults developing one at some point in their life. These cysts can be a variety of sizes, but at their largest, usually range up to five centimeters across. As Dr. Woody explains, “An epidermoid cyst is a small bump that develops under the skin filled with keratin buildup. Keratin is a form of protein that occurs naturally in the skin cells and causes a disruption to the skin when overproduced. Typically, these cysts are not cancerous and grow on various body parts like the belly button, head, back and neck.” Unfortunately, cysts continue to grow and don’t really go away on their own, so they do require medical attention. “These cysts generally don’t go away on their own, but they can shrink or change in sizing,” Dr. Woody says. “To have them completely removed, a dermatologist will need to intervene.” Of course, cysts can cause more of a problem if there is discharge or worse, if they pop. “Epidermoid cysts are usually painless but can sometimes cause issues when inflamed or irritated. If it gets large and bursts, it secretes discharge with the likelihood of bacteria entering the opening and causing an infection,” Dr. Woody adds. “The secretion may be thick, yellow or white and smell.” “If a cyst bursts, the discharge often has an unpleasant odor. The cysts can also develop infections which would cause fluid to leak from the belly button,” Dr. Katz says.

5. A build-up of sweat

If you frequently work out or are just a sweaty person in general, your belly button may have developed an odor due to a build-up of sweat. “Almost everyone sweats, and it’s a natural bodily process. We typically sweat during or after a workout session, get too warm on a hot day, or if we’re sick with a fever. It’s the body’s way of cooling itself down,” Dr. Woody says. While sweating is totally normal, a build-up of sweat isn’t. It’s really important to remove sweat from the body by way of proper hygiene. Unfortunately, most people tend to accidentally turn a blind eye to the belly button area and don’t clean it as much. “While sweat doesn’t generally cause a problem, it’s important to remove it from the body, especially around the belly button, because of the creasing and folds of skin,” Dr. Woody explains. “When sweat isn’t removed, it can mix with the bacteria on the skin and create an odor. The odor from sweat is the easiest to clean with a shower or washcloth.”

6. Naval stones

While a yeast infection is technically one type of fungal infections, others may also occur in the belly button area and this can result in a foul odor, too. Naval stones—such as omphaliths or umboliths—can also be to blame, but these conditions are generally rare. They do, however, also cause inflammation, ulcerated skin, and of course, infection, all of which can be very painful and uncomfortable. “Omphaliths or umboliths can fill the entire navel and cause infections, which would result in fluid discharge and bad smells alongside pain and blistering,” Dr. Katz explains.

When to consult your doctor

If you notice that the belly button odor persists and are also experiencing additional symptoms, Dr. Katz says it’s time to consult your physician or dermatologist for medical treatment. “Discharge from the belly button, swelling, pain in the abdomen, pain, blistering, and redness are reasons to consult the doctor,” Dr. Katz adds.

How to properly clean your belly button

In most of the aforementioned cases, proper hygiene can really help prevent a vexatious infection and the development of odor. “Depending on what is causing the odor, the cleaning process may vary to treat the problem effectively. So, prevention is key to combatting these issues,” Dr. Woody tells Parade.

Wash with soap and water

“Simply washing the belly button with soap and water cleans away bacteria, debris, and other content that may be surrounding the area,” Dr. Woody explains. “A washcloth over your finger can help exfoliate around the belly button and help gently wash the inside. Then, you’ll want to ensure the belly button is completely dry and not trapping moisture to prevent bacteria or fungus from growing.”

Always remove sweat

“After a workout, working outside, enjoying the outdoors, or if you’re recovering from being sick with fever, make sure you shower or clean the area to wipe away sweat buildup,” Dr. Woody says. “Then, again, make sure the area is dried down afterward.”

Use a warm compress

“This is also extremely helpful if you notice the start of inflammation or redness,” Dr. Woody adds. You can use a warm compress on the infected area to help reduce swelling while also drying the area after using the wet cloth." Next up, these are the best lotions for dry skin. Sources:

Dr. Bradley Katz, MD, PhD, professor and physician at the University of Utah Hospital, and CEO of Axon OpticsJay Woody, MD, FACEP, ABEM, chief medical officer of Intuitive Health and a co-founder of Legacy ER & Urgent Care Wondering Why Your Belly Button Smells  6 Possible Reasons - 68